My Account - Log-In & Account Information

I am unable to log-in

At the top right of every page is a link labelled “Log-in.” Click this link and on the following page you will see two input boxes, for your email address and password respectively. Please enter these and then click the “Log-in” button. If your membership has expired you will still be able to see Hardy Har Cards but you won’t be able to log-in and send them. Please consider renewing your membership. Give the gift of laughter.

* It is important that you enter the e-mail address that we currently hold for you – i.e. the one you gave when you signed up, or when you last told us of a change of address – even if that is not your current address.

I have forgotten my password

On the right hand corner is the log-in link. Click on that and that will bring up the log-in box. At the bottom of that box is Forgot Password? Click Here. That will take you to a Request Password Rest box. Follow the instructions to reset your password.

I have changed my e-mail address

If you have changed your e-mail address since you joined Hardy Har Cards it is very important that you let us know. Not only will we be unable to contact you if we need to, but also your old e-mail address will appear as the sender on any e-cards you send to your friends and family. To change you e-mail address, log-in with your current Hardy Har credentials and on the top navigation go to My Details – My Account – change e-mail field – Save Profile. You should receive a confirmation e-mail of the change you just made.

Change password, payment details, account information

It is easy to change the details of your membership to Hardy Har Cards, including your name, e-mail address, password, and payment details. After logging-in – go to the navigation on the top right and find My Details – My Account, click on My Account and everything is there for you.

Cancel My Account

I need to cancel my account

We are sorry to see you go! If you would like to cancel you subscription go to MY DETAILS – ACCOUNT –  on the right you will see – THREE DOTS – CANCEL. Your recurring subscription with Hardy Har Cards will be canceled on the final date of your subscription term and will not renew. You will receive two notices about the cancelation, 1. Automatic Payments have stopped 2. Subscription cancelled. We are unable to hold on to information in your account such as, cards sent, cards received, so to renew after canceling you will have to start a new account.